Sunday, 25 January 2015


'Sound effects play an important role in conveying action. Music helps express emotion' Quoted by Michael Geisler.

I found this quote interesting as I find that music has a massive part when associated with film or animation. Music can have an effect on the emotion and feeling of a person when watching a film. For example, if a part of a film is shown as sad or upsetting then the music can have a massive effect on this, expressing emotions further.
It is also true that music can help you recognise a piece of film, straight away in some cases. For example, the theme music can be especially recognised.
Sound effects are also important when associated with films or animations. This can engage the viewer in many ways and it keeps them interested. For example, with a frightening/scary film, loud bangs and screams make the experience of watching the film much more exciting/thrilling. Without this, the film would not be as enjoyable. You could say also that sound effects make a film, animation, video clip much more realistic.
From looking at this quote, I can not help but think about the film Wall-E from Disney Pixar. In this film, there is very limited speaking involved. Most of the film is portrayed in the style of different pieces of music and sound effects. This film is one of my favourite films and it shows that voices are not always necessary in certain contexts. With this style of film, it could quite possibly not have the same effect if there were voices/speaking.

So on the same sort of lines as Wall-E, for our university assignment, we thought it would be a good idea to have music playing in the background of our animation/story. As said before, you do not need the use of words to express an emotion; the music can do that for you. As important as sound effects are, we thought that it was not necessary for our story. We thought it would give our specific story more feeling if we used music throughout, but more on this will be to follow.

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