Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Readings on Animation.

This week we were asked to read these two journals talking about animation and the benefits and set backs of it. These were the names and the links of the two readings:
They were fairly difficult readings to read but the main focuses of them that I gathered were that there are good and bad things about animations and can be used for a variety of reasons, across a whole range of topics.
The first reading looked into different types of animation:
  1. Chemical
  2. Agent
  3. Weather Map
  4. Geological
The readings explained that many people believe that animations can help learners come to understand complex ideas more easily. Also that some people believe that animations can help people learn because they are especially motivating (Rieber,1991).
The look and appearance of a animation can influence learning - e.g. the colour red attracts the eye, the shape and size of an animation can influence learning also.

However, learning with animations are not all that beneficial according to the second reading. One comment that I found interesting was that there is some evidence to show that animations may produce an illusion of understanding that can actually interfere with successful learning. By this, is that we get distracted by animations which can move us away from learning.
This could link in with learning styles, which means it could depend on the learners' needs. Some people may benefit more from learning with animations, as it keeps them engaged and interested, while maybe others prefer to learn in the more standard way as it is what they know best.
However, there has been evidence that learning with animations can actually increase satisfaction and motivation.

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